Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Drawing Assignment 1

Preacher, Charles White, ink on cardboard
More White:
Part 1:
Read and review Drawing from the Beginning, pages 1-14 in your text
Plus read page 17 in your text- Strategies for Learning to See

Part 2:
Visit a store with a produce section.
Not online, physically go to the store and select a piece of produce.
Bring it home, draw it and bring the drawing to class.

Keep an open mind, show up and respond to the produce environment, respond visually and respond to your senses and instincts.

In most cases, students have an idea of what they would like to draw. Don't limit yourself to a preconceived idea about drawing and what you want to draw.

I'm aware that I'm not giving you any direct drawing instruction, the objective is to solve drawing assignment 1 the best you can at this point in time,
(there's no wrong answer here).

Up to this point you've viewed drawing examples, covered a section about learning to see and have some context as a result of completing chapter 1 in your text plus your insight as a result of discussing Homer and Kollwitz.

Conversely, don't wonder the produce section for hours frozen by indecision. Typically, the visit should be no longer than 40 minutes.
Be critical about your selection and be aware of the reason(s) you chose what you did and be prepared to discuss it in class!
Due: 09/03